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Addiction and Strongholds: You Have the Power to Overcome

Addiction and Strongholds: You Have the Power to Overcome

Numerous individuals believe—and even instruct others—that a Christian cannot be an addict. They assert that individuals who have addictions never trust in Jesus. While it is certainly conceivable that a professed believer did not undergo an actual conversion to Christianity, this frequently isn’t the case. This is because the lure—the seduction of the lie—is what draws addiction so strongly. God’s offspring can undoubtedly be deceived if Adam and Eve, who were perfect at the time, were able to do so. Using deceptive strategies that directly battled with God, the enemy made the seductive promise of something more. These believers were duped the moment they stopped looking to God for their strength, comfort, and needs and instead decided to trust that a substance might meet those requirements. They essentially “ate the apple,” something alluring that may bring about momentary pleasure but subsequently had huge and terrible repercussions.

Getting Rid of Addictions

We have the power to overcome even the most severe addictions, maintain sober, and achieve personal achievement because of God’s love. You must keep in mind the following while you turn to God to overcome your addiction:

1. Read the Bible every day to repent and renew your thinking.

2. Pray continuously so the devil will run away from you and God’s angel will assist you.

3. Fast while pleading for strength to stop the habit.

4. Social interaction with other believers.

5. Have a goal that keeps you active and focused.

Addiction is a major issue that has an impact on society, families, and people individually. You need physical and spiritual assistance if you are dealing with addiction. There isn’t a quick fix for your issue. It will require effort and perseverance, but with God’s assistance and by applying these truths from God’s Word to your circumstance, you can succeed.

What is Stronghold?

A false thought pattern built on lies and deception is a stronghold. Because deception is the foundation for a fortress, it is one of the devil’s primary weapons. Strongholds have the potential to lead us to think in ways that prevent us from receiving God’s best. For instance, if you believe that you must confess all of your sins to every person you have ever mistreated, you will feel dreadful and guilty until you do so. Even then, you will undoubtedly feel guilty because you likely forgot to confess your crimes to many people. Because you were duped into believing you had to do something you actually didn’t have to do, all of this was needless and a waste of time.

Overcoming Strongholds

Strongholds are created and maintained by deception (lying and false belief), thus it stands to reason that the only way to destroy them is to expose them to the truth of God’s Word. You refute the enemy’s falsehoods with the truth found in God’s Word! According to 2 Corinthians 10:4, “For the weapons of our fight are not carnal, but mighty by God to the pulling down of strong holds,” our weapons are powerful for overpowering strongholds.

Your Mind

God values your mind greatly and made you in such a way that you will always progress in the direction of your dominant thinking. Proverbs 23:7 in the Bible states, “For he is as he thinks in his heart.” Every aspect of your life is impacted by what and how you think.

The truth is that your style of thinking determines the way you live. Your life is literally shaped by your thoughts, which also dictate your habits. God wants His words to have an impact on all of your decisions and deeds. “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God,” declared Jesus (Luke 4:4). God says that should be the norm for us. Most individuals presume their thinking style is “normal,” although this is not always the case. We have opinions, ideas, and beliefs based on our culture, traditions, upbringing, and experiences. Unfortunately, many things are not consistent with what God defines as normal.

Alter your beliefs

Strongholds don’t merely idle around in your head. They result in acts, behaviors, and habits that appear impossible to break despite your best efforts. It is similar to being on a boat that is taking on water. Although you can use a bucket and put a lot of effort into it, the issue is not with the water in the boat.

The boat’s bottom has a hole, which is the issue. You will continue to receive water in the boat until you fix the hole. The water will not drain, no matter how hard you try. A boat’s hole at the bottom functions as a fortress. 

The fortress is anything you think is responsible for particular habits or behaviors. Even when you make a lot of effort to stop the behavior, it just keeps returning. You can modify your actions by altering your beliefs. You will be what you believe in your heart to be.

God is trustworthy.

Most people—if not all—have strongholds in their brains that enslave them by their thinking. Addiction, rage, fear, isolation, and rejection have strongholds. The list is endless. Whatever stronghold you are under prevents you from receiving God’s best for your life.

“All Your teachings concerning all things I believe to be right; I loathe every erroneous method,” the psalmist David remarked (Psalm 119:128). He is admitting that everything is always right with God. God is right about anything you can think of: marriage, money, families, forgiveness, sex, etc.

You are not worthless or purposeless. Despite your addictions and strongholds, God has a plan for your life. All the advice mentioned will only work if you are honest with yourself and God about your addiction. Don’t try to cover it up due to shame. Instead, get the help needed so you can begin living again. 

There’s nothing wrong with using the tools God has placed here on earth, such as rehabilitation centers or other addiction programs. There are even ones that are Christ-centered. Be encouraged. This will be your testimony to help others in the same situation.

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