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Christianity and Politics: Where Do We Stand?

Christianity and Politics: Where Do We Stand?

Whether realized or not, Christians are involved in politics. But particularly when they are unaware of it.

Because we believe in a God who is passionately concerned with His world, creation, and, consequently, how it is administered, Christians need to be involved. In this world, unfairness frequently predominates. As people of faith, we have a lot to contribute to politics, including a stronger dedication to justice and compassion, which has changed politics throughout history. Participate in your neighborhood; find out what matters to the locals. What can you do to raise awareness of important issues in your community? What involvement does your church or youth group have in regional or international justice issues? How can you become more informed about the situation and inspire others to take a stand? Join the Christian faction of the party you support and promote Jesus’ views there. Be bold and brave; don’t just go along with the crowd; be willing to pose challenging questions.

Freedom to Vote as a Christian

First, everything in life is governed by and subordinate to God’s will. God’s will always come first, regardless of who or what (Matthew 6:33). God has predetermined goals, and His will is unwavering. No government can stop God from doing what He has planned, and He will not be deterred by it (Daniel 4:34-35). Since “the Highest is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anybody he likes,” Daniel 2:21 states that God “sets up kings and deposes them” (Daniel 4:17). Knowing this reality clearly will enable us to realize that politics is only a tool God employs to carry out His purpose. Although evil people abuse their political influence and have evil intentions, God has good intentions and says that “all things work together for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).

The second thing we need to realize is that our government cannot save us. God alone can. The New Testament has no accounts of Jesus or any of the apostles spending any time or effort instructing Christians on how to rid the pagan world of its idolatrous, immoral, and corrupt customs. The apostles never urged Christians to engage in acts of civil disobedience to denounce the cruel policies or unjust laws of the Roman Empire. Instead, the apostles commanded believers—to proclaim the gospel and demonstrate its transformative power through their actions.

Trusting God over Politics

Most Americans’ top concerns have always been and will continue to be, the economy and jobs. Presidential candidates, elections, and even political parties come and go. This has remained constant even as America’s ethnic makeup changed from one generation to the next.

However, it’s simple to lose hope when you see some of your family members working at low-paying manual labor jobs in the blue-collar sector. While this is honorable and noble work, it will not bring you financial success.

I firmly think, as a Christian, that the government cannot grant me what God has already promised. My identity as a bearer of God’s image is far more important than my environment, financial situation, or race. Political organizations are not the world’s salvation. In Jesus Christ, salvation for all people has been made evident. Before any national government was established, God understood that our planet needed to be saved. He showed the entire world that man’s might, wealth, power, military might, or political influence could not bring about salvation. The only way to find mental calm, satisfaction, hope, and joy—as well as the salvation of mankind—is via Jesus’ death and resurrection.

See Also

Believers have survived and even thrived through the millennia under adversarial, oppressive, pagan regimes. This was notably true of the first-century believers who maintained their faith despite being subjected to ruthless governmental systems despite extreme cultural pressure. They realized they were the light of the world and the salt of the earth, not their governments. They followed Paul’s advice to submit to governing authority, even going so far as to respect, honor, and pray for them (Romans 13:1-8). More significantly, they realized that as Christians, their hope rested in the security that comes from only God. The same is true for us in the present. When we adhere to the principles found in the Bible, we fulfill God’s intention for us to be the light of the world (Matthew 5:16).

God says that praying for our leaders is “good and acceptable in His eyes” (1 Tim 2:1-3). We are instructed to uphold the law and not revolt, or to put it another way, to live quietly (Rom 13:1-6). We are also instructed to pray for and to love our adversaries (Matt 5:43-48). I’m aware that this is complex. Nobody has ever claimed that being a Christian is simple. I believe the Messiah said, “Foxes have dens, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head,” indicating that following him would undoubtedly be a difficult and harsh path. (Matt 8:19-20). But what distinguishes us from others is that we follow in the footprints of the Messiah, that we be a light, that we pay attention to the Holy Spirit, and that we bear Godly fruit. These characteristics distinguish us from other people.

Therefore, this election year, try to avoid becoming too upset. Rather than feeling threatened because this candidate is leading in the polls. Rather than engaging in offensive statements. Let’s make an effort to follow the example of the Messiah, have faith in God regardless of who is in power, and pray for God’s Kingdom to come while letting politicians do what politicians do.

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