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How to Find Peace and Purpose In A Chaotic World

How to Find Peace and Purpose In A Chaotic World

We have attempted to bring about peace through social change, governmental control, and compromise. These are meaningless since only trusting in Jesus Christ can bring true peace. When God established a covenant of peace with the Children of Israel, He set the stage. And the Lord instructed Moses to tell Aaron and his sons, “This is how you should bless the children of Israel,” in a voice that Moses later heard from the Lord. Tell them:

“The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace,” the hymn begins. “The Lord bless you and keep you.” So they will bless the children of Israel, and they will bear my name. (Numbers 6: 22–27) if they obeyed God and fulfilled His instructions, they would get the promise of peace.

How does one find peace in a society rife with social, political, and religious unrest? Is it through the means of close friends? A devoted family? Protection and security? Sometimes we believe these circumstances are necessary for us to feel at peace. But nothing in life is ever truly perfect or simple. So how do you endure hardships while feeling at peace? Today, promoting peace involves more than just flashing the peace sign or donning a t-shirt with one. There is more to perfect peace than just the absence of fighting. It consists of both wholeness and completion as a direct result of trusting in Jesus Christ and the finished work He accomplished on the cross. People who don’t feel complete peace behave as if Jesus’ atoning work on the cross wasn’t complete.

Accepting the gift of peace is what John 14:27 refers to as “perfect peace.” It is not, however, a material, apparent, or tangible gift. It is a gift far superior to the calm that the world typically provides. It calms the mind and the emotions during difficult or upsetting moments. Internal problems and issues that trouble the spirit can be resolved through the peace that Jesus provided for His followers. God’s peace permeates the depths of the heart to resolve the problems that keep people in servitude.

  •  Living the gospel and keeping the commandments bring about peace.
  •  Peace is brought by genuine repentance.
  • The word “repentance” is lovely because it suggests that we can let go of old issues, bad habits, fears, and misdeeds. Repentance is one of the terms in the gospel’s language that is most uplifting, hopeful, and peace-filled. 
  •  When one stands up for others and fosters peace, one achieves peace.
  • Peace results from making an effort to follow Jesus Christ more closely.

We genuinely experience Jesus Christ’s peacemaking when we make Him the focus of our lives. Even if we face harsh circumstances while on earth, it is a blessing to know that we can always turn to someone for support. “I have said this to you so that you may have peace in me,” the Savior said. “You are in danger in the world, but have courage—I have won the world” (John 16:33). We can live in peace now and forever because of Christ’s atonement.

God wants His children to understand His purposes, and there are numerous methods to do so.

Make Certain You Understand God

Knowing God’s purpose begins with knowing who you are in Christ through a personal relationship with Him, which may seem clear. In the past, God had each individual in mind, and He has plans for every one of His children that are “in accordance with his will” (Ephesians 1:11). Whatever happens, the believer can always find their unwavering center in the Father.

Pray for guidance

Self-centeredness is not a good place to start when trying to understand God’s plan. Self-centered inquiries may lead to conclusions that are nothing more than conjecture. It is considerably smarter to start with God and seek His will and guidance (James 1:5; 4:2b). When His children ask such questions, He is kind and does not correct them. Stop talking after praying and pay attention. Then resolve to trust God, to submit to Him, and to follow His guidance (Proverbs 3:5–6; 28:26).

Reading the Bible

Today, God leads most frequently through His written word (Matthew 4:4). Being submissive to His known will and realizing that God leads in ways that are consistent with Scripture rather than at odds with it are good places to start. The word will not leave us in the dark and is not subject to conjecture. Even if God has chosen not to reveal everything to us at this time, we may learn a lot about what He wants us to do and steer clear of. Scripture includes parables and illustrations to serve as warnings so that we won’t be misled (1 Corinthians 10:11).

Submit to His Control

God wants to keep His children on the right path, so they must surrender and obey. Believers are to submit to His control, entirely rely on Him, and resolve to follow and live for Him with the expectation that He will lead. No matter what happens in life, a disciple’s commitment to discipleship produces godly character. The LORD leads the steps of the righteous, according to Psalm 37:23. He (God) takes pleasure in every aspect of their existence. God seeks followers who are submissive, obedient, and humble. Be proactive in following His guidance, not passive.

Make smart decisions

Even though many choices might not seem significant, they can have a profound impact. The believer is rewarded for making wise decisions and paying attention to God’s mid-course modifications (Proverbs 13:13–18). Christians’ decisions might create new chances or close them off. 

Making sensible decisions involves all of the previously mentioned tips: knowing God, praying, looking for the truth in Scripture, and having a humble attitude. It’s how you can find purpose and peace in a chaotic world.

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